Monday, May 30, 2016

Brazilian Hamburgers (Are Good)

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 Peanuts on sale!
 HamburgerZÃO (x2)

This is excellent

I want to talk about hamburgers in Brasil. They're different. 
For example, I ate a big hamburger this week that was great but had a few ingredientes that we would never find on a hamburger in the US—an egg, a slice of pineapple, mashed potatoes, and corn. It was actually really good! The pineapple part was the best haha. However, American hamburger's are sem dúvida the best in the world. NENHUM lanchonete no Brasil se compara com In'n'Out or Five Guys!
At the place where we buy these hamburgers, they have a challenge: eat 3 hamburgers and drink two milkshakes in 23 minutes and you win 1000 reais of restaurant credit. One of these days I'm going to try it. That'll be a fun weekly letter to read!

This week we set a goal and met it. Presidente wants us to leave the office at 5:00 everyday, and we weren't doing very well with this. It's really easy to work work work work work here in the office because there's just about infinite things to do. Anyway, our goal was to leave on time everyday and only one day this week we left past 5 because we were buying bus tickets for missionaries at the terminal and didn't get back in time. I think we were blessed for this because yesterday was awesome! We taught two great lessons and blessings resulted!
FIrst, we marked baptismal dates with Célia and Paulo, an older mom and son. They've already been to church once and to a family home evening activity also. After a spiritual lesson about the restoration of the gospel, we invited them to be baptized by the same authority by which Christ was baptized and in His church. They have the desire to choose the right and they accepted!

Saturday we made a contact with Aiara and passed by her house yesterday to teach her and her daughter. They are passing through some hard times but after we taught and talked to them, they felt better. We said a powerful prayer with them and we know that through the gospel their lives will change miraculously for the better.
The rest of the week was kind of tough, but walking home last night I was so happy for the fruits of our weekly labors. A mission is a lot like that, working hard for a long time without many results and then suddenly Heavenly Father gives huge blessings because of your diligence. I am so grateful for the blessings I have received in these 10 and a half months here in Brasil. It has been so hard and tiring, but absolutely worth it! I'm grateful I have a whole other year!

I've heard Trump is the nominee. I'll be praying the America makes the right decision. 
I am so happy and grateful here and life couldn't be better! I miss all you guys a ton, but don't worry, before we know it I'll be back. I hope it goes by really fast for you guys but not so fast for me, I love this mission!
Que Deus abençoe vocês!

Elder Anderson

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